In-Class Questions and Video Solutions

Lecture 5

  1. Tuples

    Examine the code below. What does always_sunny(('cloudy'), ('cold',)) evaluate to?

    def always_sunny(t1, t2):
     """ t1, t2 are non empty """
     sun = ("sunny","sun")
     first = t1[0] + t2[0]
     return (sun[0], first)

  2. Simple Lists

    What is the value of L after you run the code below?

    L = ["life", "answer", 42, 0]
    for thing in L:
     if thing == 0:
      L[thing] = "universe"
     elif thing == 42:
      L[1] = "everything"

  3. List Operations

    What is the value of L3 after you execute all the operations in the code below?

    L1 = ['re']
    L2 = ['mi']
    L3 = ['do']
    L4 = L1 + L2

  4. List Aliasing/Mutation

    What is the value of brunch after you execute all the operations in the code below?

    L1 = ["bacon", "eggs"]
    L2 = ["toast", "jam"]
    brunch = L1

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