This review is courtesy of David Adrian. Used with permission.
MATLAB® Review (PDF)
Demonstrates the use of various ODE solvers to integrate a pair of interdependent ODEs: odesintegrate.m (M)
Finds the sides of a rectangle with a given perimeter and area: multiplefsolve.m (M)
Show how to use events in ODE integrators to keep track of user-defined significant time-points: learntouseevents.m (M)
Sample solutions to the exercises:
sampleproblem1.m (M)
sampleproblem2.m (M)
sampleproblem3.m (M)
sampleproblem4.m (M)
sampleproblem5.m (M)
The ZIP archive below contains the above files:
MATLAB® Review (ZIP) (The ZIP file contains: matlab_review.pdf, and 8 .m files.)