Welcome, Educators

The MIT OpenCourseWare Educator Initiative supports and sustains open education teaching practices at scale. Here you’ll find pathways for discovering, adapting, and sharing the open educational resources (OER) you’ll find on our platforms. We also invite you to connect with and inspire the teaching community at MIT. Welcome, we’re glad you’re here.

Discover OER on MIT OpenCourseWare

MIT OpenCourseWare shares open educational resources (OER) from 2500+ MIT courses.

How would you like to discover OER for your teaching context?

Browse OER by topic or departments

Find lecture videos on OCW’s YouTube channel

Find open online textbooks from MIT

Search the Open Learning Library for interactive modules

Retain, Re-Use and Adapt OER from our Platforms

MIT OpenCourseWare shares content under a Creative Commons license. You are welcome to retain, reuse, and adapt the teaching materials you find on our platforms.

How can we help you use OER from MIT OpenCourseWare?

Take me to your license

Show me how to attribute OCW content

Ask a question about reusing OER from OCW in my teaching context

Share Your OER Adaptations

Open educational resources are made more powerful by the instructors who enhance them through adaptations for learners in different contexts. When you share your adaptations of OER from MIT OpenCourseWare, you create more opportunities for learners to unlock knowledge for themselves and their communities. We’re especially interested in helping you share your culturally relevant adaptations. Together, we can create a more inclusive open educational ecosystem.

How would you like to share your adaptations?

Share my adaptation directly with the MIT OpenCourseWare community

Add my adaptation to the OER Commons

Add my adaptation to MERLOT

Share my adaptation or open education story on the Chalk Radio podcast by emailing chalkradio@mit.edu

Explore How We Teach at MIT

In addition to openly sharing teaching materials on MIT OpenCourseWare, many MIT faculty also engage in open reflective practice, making their praxis accessible by educators, everywhere, in an effort to enhance the use and impact of the OER they share. Browse faculty interviews to explore how they approach teaching and learning, and how they taught on campus with the materials they share on MIT OpenCourseWare. Use their insights to inform your use of the OER you find on our platforms or to spark conversations about teaching and learning at your own institution. Like other content on MIT OpenCourseWare, the instructor interviews you’ll find on our platforms are shared under a Creative Commons license, so you can retain, re-use, and re-mix them in your own work.

How would you like to explore how we teach at MIT?

Browse courses with instructor interviews

Listen to MIT instructor interviews on the Chalk Radio podcast

Search case studies about MIT digital teaching innovations and tools

Get motivated.

Chalk Radio is an MIT OpenCourseWare podcast about inspired teaching at MIT. We take you behind the scenes of some of the most interesting courses on campus to talk with the professors who make those courses possible.

Connect with the MIT Teaching Community

We invite you to connect with the MIT teaching community. Open education practice improves when teaching materials reflect a diversity of voices and experiences, and we welcome yours. We invite you to share your instructional ideas and approaches with MIT faculty. When you share your teaching insights, you’ll inspire new ways of thinking and learning in MIT classrooms, which will in turn enhance the OER we offer learners around the world.

How would you like to connect and inspire?

Share my teaching insights with MIT faculty

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Subscribe to the Chalk Radio Podcast to hear featured interviews with MIT faculty about teaching

Sign up for the MIT Teaching + Learning Lab Newsletter to stay current on teaching topics important to the MIT community