Activities with compass and spectacles
Straight lines indicate sighting lines from the viewer.
Blackboard drawings by students. Straight lines indicate sighting lines from the viewer, through a picture frame \[a vertical rectangle for the diagrams to the left; a horizontal line for the long vertically oriented diagram to the right\].
Sighting lines through a picture frame to the lute.
A glass ball as viewed in a curved mirror; student exploration.
An alignment of spectacles forms part of one students exploration in comparing the effect of looking through each.
A student examines reflections of a block and small mirror resting upright on top of a round mirror \[horizontal on the table\].
A contemporary painting involving perspective, in an art exhibit by Eric Sealine, Boston Sculptors Guild.
Student-initiated explorations with lenses, mirrors, eyeglasses and a glass ball.
Comparing two lenses by looking at print on a chart.
Trying out the eyeglasses.
An alphabet block on and surrounded by mirrors.
Intriguing explorations with light.
Examining the glass ball.
Viewing through a pinhole.
Viewing a mirror propped upright.
The mirror is at the right, upright on the floor; students view it while standing or sitting on the floor.
A student drawing the picture frame by which she viewed a lute.